How do you launch a category-busting brand from New Zealand and storm into the US market? Lisa King can tell you, because she’s done it. A serial entrepreneur from New Zealand, King's first venture, Eat My Lunch, tackled the issue of child poverty in New Zealand with a buy-one-give-one model that provided thousands of free lunches to Kiwi kids. Her current venture, AF Drinks, is a non-alcoholic beverage company that is rapidly gaining traction in the US and Australia.
In this episode she talks about how she formulated a non-alc cocktail that experienced tasters identified as alcoholic, from how she assembled the right team and how she unlocked funding, to how she landed on retail shelves throughout the USA.
The episode covers:
And even how meeting Barack Obama is like meeting Santa.
While many entrepreneurs are backing away slowly from both the wine industry and China, Don St Pierre Jr is rushing back in — because...
What’s better than marketing your brand yourself? Getting other people to talk about your brand. The more (positive) attention you get, the easier it...
Were you a brainy kid in high school? If so, science may be able to predict how much alcohol you will drink later in...